Monday, March 22, 2010

He's Called You...By Name!!

Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17

So, in recent national events we are looking at those events as human beings and I am just asking you to look at them from God’s prospective for just a moment. All this time we have had this organized health care available to us at a cost. Now as the law passed we still have it at a cost but now they are forcing us to pay for it and if not they will sick the IRS on us. Seriously? I don’t think it’s about Christians voting or not voting. I believe that God is a jealous God and He allowed this to happen for His own good reasons. You don’t like that answer? Then you should probably keep reading!! It gets even better!!

Let’s say that He has seen us depend on healthcare for healing to ‘cure’ us per se but, He sees it as, we are looking to medicine for the cure and care that we should be receiving from Him and Him ONLY!! I think the phrase “God uses Doctor’s to heal” also has become too loose in our vocabulary and we believe what we say! But, what does God say? He says this in His word, I am your Rock, I am your Provider, I am your Husband, I am your Healer, I am your Physician, I am your Comforter, I am your Strength, I am your Shield, I am your Protection. So, with that said, I know from personal experience standing on His word NEVER fails. So, perhaps He is using this to guide the body of Christ into lining up with His word!! For so many years we have been hypocrites in quoting scripture and not doing what He says but telling everyone else to do it. Finding Excuses why God doesn’t DO IT!! EXCUSES ARE LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL!! So, many people are ‘comfortable’ in their chairs in the church. And, there is a season for that not a lifetime. You are not going to do any damage to the enemy's camp by sitting in a chair or a doctor's office for that matter.

Now is the time that God is going to be stretching His People to live outside their comfort zone. Stepping into His Gifting’s, His Call, His will that He has placed in you and it is more relevant now more than ever before!! Now is time that laying hands on the sick is MORE needed than EVER!! We as the Body of Christ don’t need healthcare if we are depending on JESUS to be our EVERYTHING!! AND HE IS ALL THAT WE NEED!! Again, look at it from His prospective not yours. His way is the ONLY WAY and always the PERFECT WAY!! I don't believe He withholds, I believe we get in His way!!

Just remember He is allowing these earthly events to take place so that He will receive all the Glory!! There will be No more doubt of How He does it!! Or who the TRUE HEALER AND PHYSICIAN IS!!!

Today I have chosen to Lean on My Savior MORE than I have EVER before!! Lean into Him, Rely on and Trust in Him. I am just a mere vessel and I want to be available for Him to use me in any way He chooses for HIS GLORY!! I am not worthy in deserving anything but, I know that I want Him to stretch me so that anything I do for Him is not in my own strength but always in His!!

So, let me Re-Introduce you to the Man who came to restore everything back to the way it was meant to be from the Beginning.

My Friend, JESUS!!! This is who He is to me!!

He Is My Healer – Luke 6:18-19 & Isaiah 53:5
He Is My Physician – Luke 5:31
He Is My Rock – 1 Corinthians 10:4
He Is My Husband – Isaiah 54:5
He Is My Provider – Philippians 4:19
He Is My Comforter – John 15:26-27
He Is My Strength – Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 26:4
He Is My Shield – Psalms 119:114
He Is My Protection – Deuteronomy 32:38

As an added reminder - He has Called You from the beginning of time to do greater things in Him than He did while He was here!! He has called you by Name!!

Philippians 4:13 (AMP) – I have the strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.]


  1. Okay, girl...I re-read it and finally was able to receive the message. I have been in a state of mourning for our country. Not only because of the healthcare bill, which will just perhaps bankrupt us and point us towards socialism, but even this administration's outrageous apathy and disrespect towards the Apple of God's eye (Israel). If we look at the circumstances, it seems so discouraging...but you are right...we, as a nation, have taken our eyes off of the the GREAT I AM! We have put our hopes, dreams and security in what? Man? A country? Modern Medicine? Government? ALL of which will ultimately fail us! America is reaping what it has sown, but as for me and mine, we will choose to follow the Lord!

    Thank you, Jesus, that you gave Jacqueline this knew I needed to hear it!

  2. I love you Tyra and I love your heart for Jesus!! How amazing He is to place you in my life and how you have blessed me in so many ways!! You are an amazing woman!! (((HUGS)))
